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dying of thirst

2.20pm 15/10/18 during linear algebra

when was it so suddenly
that the horse forgot how
to drink from water? by
the river he sits without
excuse or reason, tapping
dowsers upon springs
drowsily drifting through
the rest of the day linear
homogeneous and wanting.
was the river poisoned? did
god forget to turn on his tap?
how long can a man stand
in a shower and listen to music
written by people who only want
to add to their mountains of money
and how long can a man stand
in a shower and drink potable water
and count his curses how long
can this man sit in linear algebra
and be berated for taking a taste
of a skinny drink of ginger ale
and wine on the high seas,
forgetting eigenvalues and vector
spaces, again (sitting)